Simultaneously as filarial parasites infiltrate horses' bodies via the circulation into every available nook and cranny within soft tissues (preferentially tissues built upon a collagen matrix), a certain percentage of horses escalate from chronic immune suppression to self destructive overdrive their immune systems start attacking themselves. Consequently autoimmune conditions tend to co-exist some examples are autoimmune hemolytic anemia, pemphigus, immune mediated keratitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cutaneous lupus and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Unfortunately for affected horses, SLE is rarely recognized for two reasons every case is uniquely different symptom-wise (NO TWO CASES ARE ALIKE), and repeated exposure to specific high risk factors is commonplace. Many possible indicators of autoimmunity, convoluted in and of themselves, are challenging to appreciate due to layering of systemic stealth bacteria, filarial worm loads, mycoplasmas, biofilms, viruses, and so on. The following list of diagnostic criteria reflects a considerable amount of symptom overlap with Filariasis and Bartonellosis. Helping a compromised immune system is akin to closing the barn door after the horse is out. For veterinarians trained in developing a linear differential diagnosis list it doesn't help matters that autoimmune states tend to cluster, more or less superimposed upon each other reflecting multidimensional dysfunction.
Indices of Suspicion
__age of onset (early adulthood, 5 to 10 years)
__breed predilection (none however larger individuals are at higher risk)
__sex predilection (mares appear to be at higher risk due to presence of estrogen)
______(see Drug Induced Lupus below)
__history of malnutrition and/or repeated vaccinations early in life
__history of months or years living in tropical / subtropical climates
__history of stress followed by sudden hair loss (around eyes / total head / total body)
__history of repeated exposure to high risk factors
______feeds containing soy (soy is estrogenic and estrogen makes lupus worse)
______supplements containing garlic (many insect control products)
______alfalfa products (hays / cubes / pellets / sprouts / powder)
______sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim (antibiotics)
__food allergies (allergy panel is exceedingly useful if in doubt)
Lupus Flares
__hypersensitivity to strong UV light (consider face masks in summer)
__livedo reticularis (plain zinc oxide paste is the ideal sunscreen for faces)
__rapid shallow breathing / fluttering nostrils at rest
__spontaneous periodic deep hyperventilation at rest (5 to 20 minute episodes)
__depression / eyes half closed / ocular pain
__hypersensitivity reactions to vaccines / drugs
__hypersensitivity reactions to alfalfa (organic and GMO)
__hypersensitivity reactions to garlic
__hypersensitivity to lectins (contained in grains such as corn, oats, barley)
__hypersensitivity to coconut oil
__deterioration on feeds containing soy
__lupus nephritis / frothy urine / blood in urine (hemoglobinuria)
Neuromuscular Predilections (that wax and wane randomly)
__non-specific muscle spasms tetanic in nature
__recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER) (commonly in young nervous mares)
__lower back / sacroiliac area chronic regional pain (CRPS) / transverse myelitis
__postural tremors (difficulty holding legs up against gravity )
__proximal suspensory desmitis (PSD) / suspensory strain
__cold hind legs / cold feet
__swollen joints (hocks, stifles)
__spasms of diaphragm (thumps aka hiccups)
__cardiac conduction disturbances (dropped beats / atrial fibrillation)
__pericarditis / transient ischemic attacks / sudden collapse / chest pain
__chronic fatigue (CFS) / fibromyalgia (EFMS) / poor exercise tolerance
______liver dysfunction / burping (not to be confused with thumps)
______endocrine imbalance
__ulcers (gastric, hind gut and frequently both)
__leaky gut syndrome (LGS) (manure can be normal, tight or loose) / IBS / IBD
______chronic protein deficiency
______loss of gut integrity / loss of glutamine (siphoned off by microfilaria)
__chronic oxidative stress / improvement on antioxidants
__biofilms / fungal overgrowth / Candida overgrowth
__'protein losing enteropathy' (poor haircoat, poor hoof quality)
__sensitivity to glyphosate contaminated feeds (soy / alfalfa / corn / beet pulp)
__multiple food allergies / improvement on elimination diets
Central Nervous System / Cranial Nerve anomalies
__'lupus psychosis' / immune mediated neuritis (multiple expressions)
__sporadic hallucinations
__brain fog that waxes and wanes
__optic neuropathy / uveitis (ERU) / keratitis (IMMK)
__hypersensitivity to sound
__dry mouth and/or dry eyes
__random seizures
__dizziness (during and after transport and/or repetitive forced exercise
__autoimmune transverse myelitis
Multiple Co-infections
__filarial parasites
______Onchocerca cervicalis (thread worms)
______Oxyuris equi (pin worms)
______Dirofilaria immitis
______Setaria spp.
__chronic stealth bacterial infections
______Wolbachia spp (see Filariasis Symptom Check List)
__________chronic cellular oxidative stress
__________unusual skin changes / chronic 'rain rot'
__________disseminated granulomatosis
__________semicircular white hair spots (shoulders / torso / thighs)
__________sweet itch (face, chest, ventral midline, neck, groin, tail head, lower legs
______Bartonella spp (see Bartonellosis Symptom Check List)
______Borreliosis (lyme disease)
______mycoplasmas (numerous)
______biofilms (respiratory and/or digestive and/or urinary tracks)
__Piroplasmosis (Babesia spp)
__Anaplasmosis (Ehrlichia equi)
__Potomac Horse Fever (Neorickettsiae risticii)
__Sarcocystis spp (Equine Protozoal Myelitis)
__Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Pigeon Fever)
Neonatal Lupus (history of)
__neonatal myasthenia gravis (Shivers)
__failure to thrive (foals)
__orphan foals / foals weaned too early
Dermatologic Lupus
__disseminated granulomatosis
__alopecia areata (around eyes)
__sudden total hair loss on entire head and/or entire body
Drug Induced Lupus (history of)
__minocycline (antibiotic)
_sulfamethoxazole (antibiotic)
__butazolidin (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory)
__phenothiazines (tranquilizers)
______fluphenazine (illegal antipsychotic)
______chlorpromazine (illegal antipsychotic)
__________tissue residues persist for long periods (years)
__________**males are more prone to chlorpromazine induced lupus than females
__________lingering hypotension, pseudoparkinsonism, spasms, restlessness
__omeprazole (proton pump inhibitor / ulcer preventative)
__synthetic progesterone (exogenous hormone withdrawal / endocrine imbalance)